Monday, June 11, 2012

King Kamehameha Day

Aloha from the Big Island,

Here is a fun fact: did you know that there are no hip-hop music stations on the Hilo side of the island? Locals protested the stations due to the content of the music. Now supposedly only native hawaiian music is available on radio stations. Some locals use huge antennas in hope of snagging a station from Maui.

It is an absolutely beautifl day here in Hilo the sun has been shining the entire day, which apparently never happens and it is around 85 degreees. Every window and door in our apartment is open, the island breeze is blowing through and hawaiian music plays softly in the distance. (I know what your thinking...She has to be making this up there is no way this could be real life. I am not making this up however and yes somehow it is real life.)

I have learned quite a bit today about the Hawaiian culture, hanging out with and doing P90X with my roommate (yes I know I have been put into the perfect housing situation) and her friend who are both natives. First of all I learned a bit about the history.

In the United States we celebrate many holidays such as Memorial day, Independence day, and Labor day, however I bet most of those living in the United States have little, to no knolwledge of why those days are significant. Being Monday you would think I would be eye deep in summer school work, studying all the information that had recently been thrown at me rapid fire like they love to do in summer classes, however today was a Hawaiian holiday. Today is one of the most important days of the year to Hawai'ians. Today is King Kamehameha day. Coming to school here I knew we had school off today for a holiday but I was unaware of the cultural importance of such a holiday. I was also unaware of how culturally educated those who live on the islands are. As I was walking around town with a newly acquired acquaintance I was educated on the importance of the day.

King Kamehameha was the one and only king who was capable of unifying the islands of Hawai'i. Before king Kamehameha was born the islands were all under separate rule and a bit turbulent. Legend has it that a seer predicted that the birth of the great unifier of the islands would be marked by the passing of a comet over the islands. Soon after the sighting of a comet over the Islands Kamehameha was born. He was ordered to be killed by the king of the Big Island but his grandmother and uncle took him away to the wilderness where he was raised and learned how to fight. Once he became older he unified all of the islands of Hawai'i being the one and only king who was capable of uniting the islands and maintaining a peaceful regime. As my acquaintance said "that is the story of the most magnificent king of the islands in a nutshell."

Second of all I have been introduced to some new words and hawaiian customs.

  • The thing you push at a grocery store is called a wagon.
  • The trashcan is called the rubbish.
  • The highway consists of a 3 lane road in which the speed limit is 45 miles an hour and there are only a few stoplights. 
  • Apparently Ross is the place to be if you want to see whats happening in Hilo.
  • Marinating hotdogs in soy sauce and sugar is the way we do BBQ's down here.
  • When driving by people you know you absolutely must give them the hang loose sign and an Aloha!
So there you are. My first day adventures in a nutshell :) 

Aloha until tomorrow 

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